Sunday, November 27, 2005


I love brunch. There's just something about it, though I can't quite put my finger on why I like it so much. Something about its socialness, about how it is a time to slow down and really enjoy the experience of eating and community. I reconnected with brunch in the spring when I was in Paris. Strolling the Marais' uneven cobblestones and looking in on all the chic cafes and restaurants, enjoying the way everyone looked: happy to be together, relaxed, connected. It didn't hurt either that practically everyone was gorgeous and well dressed in this uber hip queer community. I made a decision there and then: brunch was going to be my thing when I got back.

Of course, I can count on two fingers the number of times I've had brunch since then.

Today, despite the tag team of laziness and unmarked papers, I headed out to brunch with little bro. To be more specific: a blues brunch at a beautiful little yoga studio/eatery. We were seated at a large round table with a bunch of strangers since all the other spaces were full already, which put me in mind of previous musings on the social nature of the brunch experience. The room was lovely, all brick, hardwood floors and heritage fixtures. The real treat, besides the tasty food, was the music: for the price of breakfast (about 8 dollars!) and a donation to the food bank, we were serenaded by The Be Good Tanyas, Po'Girl and Bocephus King. They all jammed together, playing each other's songs interspersed with gospel and blues songs. You know that feeling you get when you are in the presence of amazingly talented people making music and it's all coming out perfect and you just want to join in? The way it is when the musicians themselves almost seem surprised at the music they are making together, as if they knew they could make it good but didn't know it would be this good.

The rest of the day has been a mix of long phone chats with good friends, catching up with my reading, cups of tea and patting the beast (a newly washed, dried and flea free beast...the wounds he inflicted during this process are healing nicely, thank you for asking). It's dark now, the room is warm and there are beautiful holiday lights across the street. I think Sunday is growing on me.


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