Post thesis writing blahs
I actually miss getting up and spending a good part of the morning writing. For awhile I had my daily target at 500 words. I would do 500 no matter what, and then power on past 1000, sometimes to around 1500, if I was really on a roll. I'd start with 300 words of free, non-stop writing on a short story, "Grozny", and then go straight into thesis work. Since I write pretty clean copy the first time round, most of what I wrote was usable if not necessarily in the order it was written. I need to get back into a routine, and get on with it already. I'm hoping to have a more solid base of freelance contacts for when I'm in Europe, and time is limited for building that up. I've also got a large list of tasks to sort through:
Set a new writing target and write everyday
Get 3 queries sent out this week
Finish the course syllabus
Pay Discovery, get accounts paid up and in order
Rent cheques to landlord
Clean up the house
Medical claims
Travel arrangements
Excel charts for work
Do up the bloody overdue-since-April 30th taxes
Get a tuition refund from school
Start returning the boatloads of library books I have, before they are all due at once in September
Saw the new Superman yesterday, despite hating Superman. And you know what? I STILL HATE SUPERMAN. But he was hot, I'll give him that. When I find a reality in which all problems can be solved by whipping them into outerspace, I'll maybe alter my opinion. But only if he stops flying around with a bunched fist, cuz he looks like a moron when he does that. A hot moron, but a moron nonetheless.