Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Cheat, Part II

I've set up a meeting with my plagiarist, who, it turns out, is already on probation. If the university accepts the case against him, he will likely no longer be in school next year. I'm feeling quite conflicted about this. On one hand, he's pretty shameless about cheating (tests, homework, essays, everything) and I definitely feel that this cannot be allowed to go on.

Another prof I know just lets students hand in a new essay to replace the plagiarized paper. That seems to go beyond lenient into the unethical and lazy. She's close to retirement and just doesn't want the hassle anymore. Maybe I'm young and naive, but to me, it seems that if you aren't willing to deal with big issues like academic dishonesty, maybe you should stop altogether. You really aren't doing anyone a favor if you pass the buck, especially the student.

In any case, I'm pressing on with this even though it's tying my stomach in knots. I don't really want to be the reason that this guy has to leave, but then again, it's not my series of choices that has gotten us to this point. I just need to chant "accountability, accountability" a few more times and I'll be okay.


Blogger jenn said...

Just popping by to say, yet again, I so understand how you are feeling. I'm sure you've got some other support people in place - but if you need to chat at all about this over the phone, let me know.

You will strike the right balance. And there are the key tipping points, as you have noted. It is just they are fuzzy and make ones head hurt (if one is still engaged in the process of caring... those who don't care make it all a bit more fuzzy and confusing - but I can understand their side as well).

All in all, this is important to an overall belief in the what learning is all supposed to be about. And also some things that have to do with fairness and the very purpose of getting a degree. I could go on and on (you know this to be true), but I hope you know I admire you for taking any steps you do take. And I also support your decision to bow out of the process for any reason at all. I have also made that choice at times.

7:42 PM  
Blogger grad student hack said...

I really appreciate you taking the time to post this Jenn, it made my day when I read it. I'm so happy to count you as a friend.

I'm feeling better about it all, though I'm abit nervous about the meeting. The student seems like he could be the aggro type, so I'll play my cards very carefully. My advisor told me to just ask questions, and make sure that I feel safe at all times. Besides that, it's document, document, document.

When are you coming down next? I feel the need for a latte or some shoe shopping. :)

11:14 AM  
Blogger jenn said...

Well, I'll certainly be there for THE EVENT.


And I look forward to seeing you then!

9:16 AM  
Blogger grad student hack said...

Duh, of course. My brain's calendar stops at christmas day, what with the impending move and other assorted stressors. If I think further into the future, my head will explode.

I will indeed see you then.

12:47 PM  

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