Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to school

I met my class this morning and they're great! There are about 50 smiling, interesting people of all different ages and backgrounds. I talked fast, as I usually do, and made them laugh a couple of times, so I'm feeling pretty good about my new teaching gig. Oh, and I looked hot, rocking a new outfit that I managed to find at the end of a marathon shopping session. There were many tears and recriminations, but I found THE outfit and it was all worth it.

I found my tiny, boiling office (picture a shoebox, then downsize) and had a laugh at the fact that I'm sharing it with three other profs. Luckily, we're all teaching on different days, so it should work for now.

I also got to observe the power of random comments, as I managed to get myself another marking contract, just by making an offhand comment to a colleague about how I would be spending my time in October.

I'm thinking a cup of Lapsang Souchong, a cuddle with the Beast and a bit of Dr. Phil's brand of Texas justice is in order. But only a very small dose, or I'll be telling people to "get real" and "name it to change it" again. Nobody wants that, least of all me. Can you tell? I'm in a good mood today.

Happy back to school everybody!


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