Friday, December 15, 2006

I am back from points elsewhere, and have happily sunk into the sofa cushions. I'm not coming out, not for a good long while. There's no chance that I can make that plan stick with all I have to do this month, but for tonight, that's how we're playing it. I'd like the ask the cosmos not to send anything more in the way of major life events my way, please, just for a little while.

Finally, the Beast has crashed next to me and is snoozing peaceably. He's spent the last 5 hours puking his kibble, running around in a frenzy, rearranging my pencil case and destroying my stuff. Normally he does that to get attention, but tonight he went so nuts that kicking him out of the room and shutting the door didn't even make an impression. He continued running up and down stairs (welcome to the apartment, new downstair neighbours!) and making loud crashing noises. There's enthusiasm, then there's taking it too far. Someone's getting a trip to the vet in their stocking this year.

Tomorrow is final grades submission.

Oh my god, I'm switching into live blogging mode here: there's a drunk dude outside the window whistling in the storm. It's one thirty in the morning, and for some reason the whistling combined with the wind is totally creeping me out. Why is a whistled tune so menacing? For defensive countermeasures, I'm going to pull my feet up onto the couch so that nothing can grab at them from beneath me. If the phone rings, I'm sooooo not answering. I'm pretty sure I know where the call will be coming from, and I'd rather live in blissful ignorance. There are occasionally times that I'm glad that my criminally negligent landlord put metal grated doors on our house. Apparently The Whistler in the Dark is one such occasion.

Now that most of the hair on the back of my neck is off sentry duty, where was I? Oh yes, it's the final step towards the end of term. The zeros have been doled out, the attendance marks counted and The Hardworking rewarded.

I am going to make myself a strong hot chocolate with Triple Sec and watch Buffy til I pass out with the cat.


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