First College Instructor job interview ever: done. I rocked the new grey trousers/crisp white shirt and heels look. Seriously, yo, I looked like a professor. I had my portfolio briefcase full of hot-off-the-press syllabi and a 15 minute lecture. I'd rate my performance on the Q&A as an A and my lecture as an A-/B+ (only cuz there were a few moments of nerves where my voice got cracky and I had to drink water). But I made them laugh, and the person from the teaching team who shares my discipline was interested in my topic to the point of asking about articles she could read on the subject. I think I got my teaching philosophy out there in a relatively coherent way and they seemed to like my answers to most things. I think I stand a chance, but no matter what, it was great to experience an academic interview and see that even though I'm a theory person, I can step into other subject areas and get interview call-backs.
Well done! It sounds like you looked fab, and sounded even better!
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