Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Oh, yeah, an actual update:

News from this corner of the world, in bullet form

*I'm working towards a full draft submission date of the 12th of May. That is soon. I am drinking coffee and pondering time travel options. Don't be mad if I don't return your call.

*My instructor-job interview is set for 3 days after my possible thesis defence date in early June. Again, this is such a laughable time frame that I am calmly losing my mind.

*I have to come up with a lesson plan (3 weeks x 3 hr sessions), reading list and a 15 minute mini-lecture to present to the search committee. I will be reading pretty much everything ever written about academic job interviews and designing courses/reading lists online. Extra karma and love sent to anyone who can point me towards URLs that are particularly good.

*It's gorgeous outside. I need sunproof lip gloss.

*Reading: Le Matou by Yves Beauchemin (the biggest Québecois novel of all time), articles, my draft
*Consuming: homemade café au lait
*Listening: "Brother" by The Organ, "Dreaded Fist" by The Rascalz, "Truth" by Sweatshop Union
*Watching: Coronation Street on Sunday morning is still my lifeline. Watched C.R.A.Z.Y. on the weekend. Can't do it justice right now, but it's going on the favourites list.
*Thinking: thesis. interview. thesis. interview. thesis. interview. chocolate.


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