Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm not a big fan of new year's and yet, I feel moved to blow a lot of stuff up. Or watch others do so. Or just find pictures of it online. This year's resolution: less talk, more fireworks.

Back from the wilds (only a couple hundred kilometres away, but the assorted transportation forms + transfers added up to about 8 hours of travel), I spent time running around finishing up the last tasks of 2005. New Year's eve was low key: lunch with the girls at the naam, bought some presents for my friend who was getting ready to leave for Sudan the next day, dinner and bad brandy with a bunch of people at our house. We ate pasta and hummus with homemade pita chips, had a glass of organic red wine (and a bit of "shootin' brandy") and watched Degrassi Jr. High and MST3K (the home economics reel). We laughed a lot, despite not drinking very much. At 10:30 we headed out to another friend's new house, and rang in the new year with sparklers. We stayed awhile longer, chatting and having a good time, and then walked home. I finished up the evening with an episode of season 3 Buffy and a couple of extra strength aspirin. I hardly drank, but I've been nursing a pounding headache since the eve of 2006 (it's still here, to my joy).

It was a nice night and much better than the time a random guy decided he wanted to ring in the new year by fighting me at 5am as I was heading home. Happy New One, everybody!


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