Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Blogworld, motivate me, goddamnit!

So, apparently reading random blogs and compulsively checking email are the main methods by which I avoid doing any thesis work. So, in a fit of insane logic, I've decided to use the evil blog time warp effect to kick my ass into gear. Join me as I negotiate the thrilling process of thesis writing. Or, alternatively, watch as I descend into madness. How will you know this is happening without being able to see the chronic eye twitching in person?

Oh, don't worry, it'll be obvious. Look for postings with detailed blueprints and other evidence that I've been working on a homemade grappling hook. A grappling hook that will permit me to climb the clocktower at school in order to take out the fecking carillon bells* inside with a comically large sledgehammer. Before turning said sledgehammer on myself.

*I'm being grandiose here, the blasted bells are really a tape player with a recording of carillon bells. Obviously, you can see why this is unnaceptable and may become the target of my rage in the near future.


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